Local 423 was founded in 2019 to represent the voice of Idaho musicians.
Are you interested in joining Local 423?
We represent musicians of all styles and genres of music
As a group/solo act you are never going it alone when working with contractors
Protection when on the job through using our AFM contracts
We refer work to our members
Our membership body collectively votes and develops our policies: your voice is always heard.
Some examples of how members can participate in their Local:
Shaping our governing bylaws through participation and voting
Electing and serving in leadership and executive roles
Deciding local wage scales and working conditions
Regular meetings and community building with other local unions and musicians
How to join GIMA?
Option 1: (recommended) Email a request to apply to local423afm@gmail.com, and you will be contacted by a member of the executive board with an AFM application. This is a standard application for joining not just our local, but the national AFM, which comes with many wonderful AFM resources.
Option 2: Apply online through the AFM’s national website (this may take a little longer to process)
You will be responsible for one-time initiation fees along with annual dues (payable quarterly, semi-annually, or annually). These fees are voted and agreed upon by the membership you will be joining.
Here is a breakdown of the fees: $20 for one time local initiation fee + $65 national AFM initiation fee + annual Local 423 membership dues. The Local 423 annual membership dues are $120 if paid in one payment annually, or two payments of $62.50 if paid semi-annually, or $32.50 if paid quarterly. Dues are payable in the months of January, April, July, and October. You can make payments with cash, check, or via the Cash app. If you choose to join via the national AFM website, you can pay dues through their website, but you will incur a processing fee.
What Geographical Areas Fall Under GIMA?
Jurisdiction in Idaho
Adams, Washington, Gem, Payette, Canyon, Owyhee, Ada, Valley, Boise, Elmore, Lemhi, Custer, Blaine, Camas, Gooding, Twin Falls, Lincoln, Jerome, Cassia, Minidoka, Butte, Clarke, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison, Teton, Bingham, Bonneville, Power, Bannock, Caribou, Oneida and Bear Lake.
Jurisdiction in Oregon
Malheur and Harney counties
Jurisdiction in Wyoming
Teton county